Product description: Dezosil disinfection coating forms a protective coating, thus ensuring continuous long-term protection by destroying microorganisms on the surface. Dezosil is resistant to moisture and the surface will remain disinfected for up to 6 months. Suitable for table tops, door handles, various buttons and other surfaces.
Application: Always before use, make sure that the product does not damage the surface by treating a small area of it, especially in the case of plastic surfaces! Spray the product on a clean and dry surface (50 ml/m2) and spread the product in a thin layer with a cloth. As soon as the agent has dried (after ~2 minutes), the treatment is completed.
Surfaces that are not intended for coming into direct contact with food products or animal feed for disinfection: Handles and buttons in public spaces should be treated at least 2 times a week, while rarely touched/large surfaces (tables) – approximately once a month.
Surfaces intended for coming into contact with animals (animal enclosures, transport boxes): Animal enclosures and transport boxes used daily should be treated once every 1-4 weeks, but rarely used/personal transfer boxes – once every 6 months.
Surfaces that may come into contact with food: Tables in public catering places should be treated once a week, and tables in households – once every 1-2 months. Refrigerators and food shelves should be treated once every 2-4 months.
Storage: Store in the original packaging in a dry, cool, well-ventilated place.
Juris –
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