Product description: Fungosil anti-mold coating is intended for the treatment of surfaces affected by mold – tiles and their seams, walls, toilet bowls, sinks and bathtubs, plastic shower curtains, etc. It is not recommended for the treatment of surfaces that come into direct contact with abrasive foods.
Application: Spray the product on a previously cleaned and dry surface and spread it in a thin layer with a cloth. When the agent has dried (after ~2 minutes), the treatment is completed. The coating may have a light blue color after drying, so it might be visible on light surfaces!
Always before use, make sure that the product does not damage the surface by treating a small area of it, especially in the case of painted surfaces!
Storage: Store in the original packaging in a dry, cool, well-ventilated place.
Biocide inventory no.: LV02102024/7361
Use biocides carefully. Always read the label and biocide information before use.
rihards –
Elīna –
Ļoti patīk, pelējums vairs neveidojas
Emīls –
ir ok
vita –
Nopirku 100 ml, bet vannas istabai vajadzēja ~2x vairāk. Nākamreiz ņemšu 450 ml
Vita –
Nopirku 100 ml, bet vannas istabai vajadzēja apm. 2x vairāk. Nākamreiz ņemšu 450 ml
Laura –
Strādā labi, bet katrus 2 mēnešu gan jāatjauno. Būtu forši, ja vienreiz varētu uzklāt un nekad vairs neaiztikt
Sprayify –
Paldies par komentāru, strādāsim, lai palielinātu pārklājuma ilgtspējību. Jauku dienu!
Tanya –
Be patient, the results will not be visible immediately. It’s worth the wait!
Linda –
Lietojiet cimdus! Rokas palika lipīgas
karlis –
Linda –
Ātra piegāde
Inga –
Viegli lietojams, atrisināja pelējuma problēmu vannasistabā.